Unreal engine 4 game development in 24 hours, sams teach yourself

In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide to developing an Unreal Engine 4 game in just 24 hours. This guide is designed for beginners who want to learn the basics of game development and create their first game using Unreal Engine 4 (UE4). We will cover everything from setting up your development environment to creating basic game mechanics, all in a single day.



  • Basic computer skills: You should have experience using Windows or macOS operating systems and be familiar with the concept of file management.
  • Text editor: You will need a text editor to write your game code. There are many free alternatives available, including Visual Studio Code, Atom, and Notepad++.
  • UE4: You will need to download and install UE4 on your computer. You can find more information about how to do this on the official UE4 website (https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/Download).

Getting Started with UE4

  1. Download UE4: Follow the instructions on the official UE4 website to download and install the latest version of the engine.
  2. Launch UE4: Once you have installed UE4, open the program and click on “New Project.” This will create a new project in the engine.
  3. Set up your project: Give your project a name, select the type (e.g., 2D, 3D, VR), and choose a location to save your project files.
  4. Create your first game object: In UE4, you can create game objects by going to the “Content Browser” on the left side of the screen and clicking on “Add New.” From here, you can select the type of game object you want to create (e.g., cube, sphere, character).

Creating Game Mechanics

  1. Movement: You can add movement to your game object by using the “Movement” component in the “Details Panel.” This component allows you to control how your game object moves, including its speed and direction.
  2. Rotation: You can add rotation to your game object by using the “Rotation” component in the “Details Panel.” This component allows you to control how your game object rotates, including its pitch, yaw, and roll.
  3. Scale: You can add scale to your game object by using the “Scale” component in the “Details Panel.” This component allows you to control the size of your game object.
  4. Collision detection: You can add collision detection to your game object by using the “Collision” component in the “Details Panel.” This component allows you to detect when two game objects collide with each other.

Creating Your Game World

  1. Add terrain: You can add terrain to your game world by using the “Landscape” tool in UE4. This tool allows you to create and edit terrain, including hills, valleys, and water bodies.
  2. Add foliage: You can add foliage to your game world by using the “Placement” tool in UE4. This tool allows you to place trees, bushes, and other types of plants in your game world.
  3. Add lighting: You can add lighting to your game world by using the “Lighting” tools in UE4. This includes adjusting the ambient light, adding directional lights, and setting up shadows.

Creating Your Game’s User Interface
